80 photos
- 0340, JR ava, 19 Jul 1952, The Kon-Tiki, Garden Fete 1952
- 0341.00, BG 121A, Names - Kon-Tiki Garden Fête 1952
- 0342, BG 007, 28 Sep 1952, Over the bridge
View from the School Gate
- 0343, JR aw aka C53 24D, 3 Nov 1952, Seven Boys and a Hedgehog
Seven boys and a Hedgehog – unearthed while building a bonfire
1) Ian Crawshaw 2) 816 3) Peter Richardson
4) Alan Bowdin 5) Marshall Kelsall 6) David Cash
7) Alan Inman
- 0344.00, BG 119A, 3Nov 1952, Names - Seven Boys and a hedgehog